Banking System
The Central Bank of Montenegro keeps the registry of credit institutions in which the following entities are entered:
1) Credit institutions to which the Central Bank of Montenegro (hereinafter: Central Bank) granted a license;
2) Branches of credit institutions with head office in third country that have an authorisation granted by the Central Bank;
3) Branches of credit institutions from the EU Member States through which those credit institutions operate in Montenegro;
4) Representative offices of credit institutions from third countries to which the Central Bank granted an authorisation;
5) Representative offices of credit institutions from the EU Member States that operate in Montenegro.
The registry of credit institutions contains the following:
- Information on credit institutions
1) Ordinal number of the entry;
2) Name and head office of the credit institution;
3) Number and date of the decision of the Central Bank by which the credit institution was granted a license;
4) Number and date of registration of the credit institution in the Central Registry of Business Entities (hereinafter: the CRPS);
5) The activities of the credit institution, in particular:
- banking services,
- financial services as established by the license,
- additional financial services performed based on the authorisation of the Central Bank, with a number and date of the
decision on granting an authorisation to perform those services;
6) Name and address of organisational units of the credit institution in Montenegro and abroad, with a number of registration
of organisational units from the Central Registry of Business Entities, or other appropriate registry;
7) Name and address of subsidiary legal persons of the credit institution with a registration number from the Central Registry
of Business Entities, or other appropriate registry;
8) Information about member of the credit institution’s supervisory board, containing the following:
- name and surname,
- date and number of the issuing of authorisations for the appointment of the person to the supervisory board of the
credit institution,
- information from the identification document about the habitual residence or temporary residence address and
- information about the day of registration of that person in the Central Registry of Business Entities;
9) Information about member of the credit institution’s management board, containing the following:
- name and surname,
- date and number of the decision on issuing of authorisation for the selection of that person to the management board of
the credit institution,
- information from the identification document about the habitual residence or temporary residence address and
- information about the day of registration of that person in the CRPS;
10) Information about status changes of the credit institutions;
11) Number and date of the decision on the introduction of temporary administration in the credit institution;
12) Number and date of the decision on the opening of the resolution procedure of the credit institution;
13) Number and date of the decision to revoke the licence from the credit institution;
14) Number and date of the decision to initiate bankruptcy proceedings, and/or the decision to initiate liquidation proceedings
against the credit institution.
- Information on the branches of credit institutions from third countries
1) Ordinal number of the entry;
2) Name, address and head office of the credit institution establishing a branch in Montenegro;
3) Name and address of a branch;
4) Number and date of the decision authorising the establishment of a branch;
5) Date and number of registration in the CRPS;
6) Information on the person responsible for managing affairs of the branch (name and surname, with the information from
the identification document on the habitual residence or temporary residence address and citizenship);
7) Business activities of the branch;
8) Information on the members of the management bodies of the credit institution establishing the branch (name and
surname, with the information from the identification document on the habitual residence or temporary residence address
and citizenship);
9) Number and date of the decision revoking the license of the branch.
- Information on branches of credit institutions from the EU Member States through which those credit institutions operate in Montenegro
1) Ordinal number of the entry;
2) Name, address and head office of the credit institution establishing a branch in Montenegro;
3) Name and address of a branch;
4) Date and number of registration in the CRPS;
5) Information on the person responsible for managing affairs of the branch (name and surname, with the information from
the identification document on the habitual residence or temporary residence address and citizenship);
6) Business activities of the branch;
7) Information on the members of the management bodies of the credit institution establishing the branch (name and
surname, with the information from the identification document on the habitual residence or temporary residence address
and citizenship).
- Information on representative offices of a third-country credit institutions
1) Ordinal number of the entry;
2) Name, address and head office of the credit institution establishing representative offices in Montenegro;
3) Name and address of the representative office of the credit institution;
4) Number and date of the decision authorising the establishment of representative office of the credit institution;
5) Number and date of registration of representative office in the CRPS;
6) Information about the person responsible for managing affairs of the representative office (name and surname, with
information from identification document about the habitual residence or temporary residence address and citizenship);
7) Business activities of the representative office;
8) Information about the members of the management bodies of the credit institution establishing the representative office
(name and surname, with the information from the identification document on the habitual residence or temporary
residence address and citizenship of those persons);
9) Number and date of the decision revoking the license of the representative office.
- Information on representative offices of credit institutions from the EU Member States that operate in Montenegro
1) Ordinal number of the entry;
2) Name, address and head office of the credit institution establishing representative offices in Montenegro;
3) Name and address of the representative office of the credit institution;
4) Number and date of registration of representative office in the CRPS;
5) Information about the person responsible for managing affairs of the representative office (name and surname, with
information from identification document about the habitual residence or temporary residence address and citizenship);
6) Business activities of the representative office;
7) Information about the members of the management bodies of the credit institution establishing the representative office
(name and surname, with the information from the identification document on the habitual residence or temporary
residence address and citizenship of those persons).