Počevši od Vol. 3 No. 1, Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice dostupan je u režimu otvorenog pristupa preko online izdavača Sciendo.
Nikola FabrisMonetary Regimes with Two Nominal Anchors: Are they Possible?Damià Rey Miró, Pedro V. Piffaut, Ricardo Palomo ZurdoReassessment of Structural Changes in Financial Markets: The Direct Impact of Central BanksBorivoje D. KruškovićEconometric Analysis of the Currency Crisis as a Consequence of Inflation TargetingPeterson K. OziliHow Politics Hinder Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Development and What to Do about ItVesna MartinClimate Change Indicator AnalysisElyor Davlatov, Judit SágiThe Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy and Central Bank Digital Currency: A New Monetary Order?Omar OmanIntroducing the Foreign Exchange Reserve Demand – Inflation Buffer HypothesisNikola KosanovićCentral Bank Digital Currencies: Financial Stability PerspectiveHedvig Gal, Attila JuhaszQuantitative Tightening: Theory, Research, and Impact on Selected Emerging Market Economies
Muhammad Azam Khan, Salim RashidMonetary Facts or Monetarist Facts? A Re-Examination