Montenegro and Italy Strengthen Cooperation in Combating Euro Counterfeits


The CBCG Governor Radoje Žugić and Vice-Governor Zorica Kalezić met today with representatives of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Italy in charge of combating the counterfeiting of euro banknotes and coins and the illegal use of cryptocurrencies, Giuseppe Cavallari and Angelo Galifi. Germano Pecoraro also attended the meeting on behalf of the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Montenegro.

Governor Žugić pointed out that the Montenegrin legislative framework in euro protection is harmonised with the European Union acquis, and the CBCG has developed staffing capacities in this segment. “The exchange of experiences with Italian colleagues is crucial to us, especially for the timely learning about new methods of detecting counterfeit money and constant monitoring of relevant EU acquis governing this area,” said Žugić.

Experts from Italy conveyed to Governor Žugić Italy’s experience in combating euro banknote counterfeiting and expressed their satisfaction with the cooperation with the CBCG. At the meeting, they also discussed models for deepening future cooperation between competent Montenegrin and Italian institutions to protect the euro.

During the visit to Montenegro, conducted within the European Commission’s Pericles program framework, Italian experts will hold several meetings with the representatives of the CBCG and the Police Administration of Montenegro.