Exhibition of documents „Montenegrin Bank 1919 – 1949“ opens
On the occasion of the Day of the Central Bank of Montenegro, 11 April, the exhibition of documents “Montenegrin Bank 1919 – 1949” was ceremonially opened last night in the Money Museum in Cetinje. The CBCG Governor, Mr Radoje Žugić, PhD, opened the exhibition, the authors being CBCG Money Museum employees.

“The exhibition we ceremonially open now, represents a selection from a valuable numismatic collection and stands as a proof of the history of money and decades long development of banks and banking in Montenegro, enabling for all of us to learn more on our past, preserving tradition and cherishing previous values, but looking forward towards the future and making all which is good for us and the new generations in Montenegro” said the Governor Žugić.

Among others, the following guests attended the exhibition opening: Mr Janko Ljumović, Minister of Culture in the Government of Montenegro, Mr Aleksandar Bogdanović, Mayor of Cetinje, CBCG Council members, Mr Pavle Pejović, Director of the National Museum of Montenegro and others. Beside a number of guests, Mr Ian Whitting, United Kingdom Ambassador to Montenegro was also present at the exhibition opening. The Governor Žugić presented an award from the Central Bank of Montenegro jubilee collection to Mr Whitting as a sign of appreciation for his contribution to improving bilateral relations between the two countries and supporting Montenegro on its path towards Euro-Atlantic integration.
The exhibited museum collection is unique in Montenegro and contains all banknotes and coins from the historic period it relates to, with over thousands of exhibits being stored at the Museum depot. All interested persons may visit the documents exhibition “Montenegrin Bank 1919 – 1949” during next month (business days from 9 to 15 hours).