A Successful Global Money Week


From 18 to 24 March, the CBCG celebrated another Global Money Week with numerous activities nationwide. This traditional campaign aims to develop financial education and literacy, and economic knowledge and skills among children and youth.

This year, the educational activities’ slogan was Protect your money, secure your future!, and highlighted safe money management, the importance of adopting a responsible and informed approach to personal finances by being aware of potential risks in the financial sector, and protecting one’s hard-earned money.

The campaign includes youth of all ages, from pre-schoolers to students, and the accompanying material with essential tips for safe online shopping.

Pupils of the “Slobodan Škerović” Grammar School in Podgorica visited the CBCG as part of the CBCG Open Day. Their discussions with the Governor, Ms Irena Radović, included the competencies of the institution she manages, the banking sector’s importance, the green transition, new trends in financial technologies, and numerous other economic and everyday life topics.

The CBCG representatives conversed with pupils from the Secondary Vocational School and the Grammar School “Tanasije Pejatović” in Pljevlja, especially about internet platforms, money management skills and security,

The CBCG Money Museum was visited by the pupils of the “Lovćenski Partizanski Odred” Primary School in Cetinje, with whom they discussed money and saving, and pupils of the Vocational High School, with whom they discussed safe money management during online shopping and payments.

The CBCG representatives held lectures and workshops on savings, budget planning and electronic banking in primary schools “Risto Manojlović” in Kolašin, “Vuk Karadžić” and “Vlado Milić” in Podgorica.

It also organised educational workshops for the youngest in the preschool institution “Ljubica V. Jovanović” in Budva, where they learned the basic money concepts through play.

At the end of Global Money Week, CBCG experts in operational risk management spoke with students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Montenegro on cyber security, with practical examples and advice for online trading.

Global Money Week is a worldwide event held every March in 176 countries under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The CBCG has actively participated in the campaign since its launch in 2012.